Frosted Pink Weddings
[email protected]

Meet one of our fabuluous LISTmembers Kelly Karli, founder of Frosted Pink Weddings - a full service wedding planning company with unique style and flair based in Vail, Colorado.

Where did you grow up? How did you end up in CO? I grew up in Boston, Massachusetts. My husband took a job in Vail, CO and we moved out here together

How did you learn your craft? school? experience? I was a fashion merchandising & business major in college and while in college and I was exposed to design & color theory. Most of my inspiration comes from the lens of design but most importantly I hear things from being a service advisor, so it�s important to listen to my couples and then put that through the filter of the design theory.

Lastly, I worked as an assistant prior to owning my own business and after, I obtained my Professional Bridal Consultant certification from the Association of Bridal Consultants. I am constantly attending bridal related conferences to keep my ideas fresh and new for my client's, just to name a few for example Engage10, Martha Stewart Bridal Market Celebrations & educational ABC national conferences.

Any awards? Publications? 2010 Bride's Choice Awards, 2010 Colorado Brides Article, 2010 Rocky Mountain Bride, 2010 Colorado View

Best advice to brides planning a wedding in CO? Always add to your budget to have a back up plan if you are planning to have a wedding outside, weather in Colorado, especially in the mountains can change within minutes. It's a relief when you know your have a plan B

What is one hot trend this year in weddings? Intimate romantic weddings! I�ve seen more of the older style dinner party with only the closest of family and friends. Certainly the large weddings are still around but brides are being much more conscious & concerned about having a smaller amount of guests so they can really enjoy their day.

When you not planning a wedding, what do you like to do for fun? I love to travel everywhere, but especially back home to Boston to see family and friends.

photo credit: Hardy Klahold | Chad Morgan | Matt Alberts


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